Ensuring a Safe Operations Your children are safe in our program. Learn More
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a world where children in foster care and their families have the opportunity, support, and skills needed to navigate in this forever changing world.
About Us
The Guest House 1 (GS1) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established
August 1, 2022 and headquartered in Fulton County, GA. We aim to assist communities that are in dire need of basic necessities to live. We fulfill our mission by providing transitional housing, educational support and case management for residents in the State of Georgia.
Highly Qualified Staff
2 Decades of Experience
Our staff has experience in social work, finance, educational support, entrepreneurship and counseling. With different areas of expertise, we are able to come together and come up with a strong plan for each young adult.
Our Values
Diversity and Collaboration
Transparency and Accountability